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ART DOUGLAS : Tunnels of Light – A Photography Exhibit
On view: October 11 – November 18 • Opening Reception, Nov. 4, 5-7pm
Featuring collaborative artwork by Liz Stubbs + Penny Treese
As visual artists who combine photographic portraits and mixed media alchemization to create what we call
Celebration Portraits, our mission is to reconnect women with their inner radiance.

We are so habituated to see in the mirror perceived flaws, that the ensuing belittling self-talk becomes our belief about ourselves. When we instead see ourselves as art, see beyond our superficial exteriors to our truer essence, we glow. And in shifting how we see ourselves, we shift how we show up in life. Seeing ourselves as light beings, as tunnels of light connecting our divinity to that in the realms in which we live, we can change the world. In celebration of the light within each of us, we share the lights of several Atlanta women who inspire us with their being.
Visit our site to explore ways to celebrate YOUR inner light through art + portraiture
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