Encaustic Painting Retreat with Penny Treese
Park City, UTAH
Friday, June 2 through Sunday, June 4
Private residence in Sun Peak, Park City (located between Kimball Junction and downtown)
*Address will provided after registration
Lodging is not included, however accommodations are recommended at Hyatt Place, which is conveniently located 2 minutes from the Sun Peak retreat location:
Recommended: Hyatt Place, Park City: 4377 North Highway 224, Park City , UT, 84098, US
Hyatt Place- Park City
All supplies are provided. Leave room in luggage to return with 8x10, 11x14, and 12x12 wooden panels
Friday, June 2nd
Fly into Salt Lake City on an early flight if possible. Check into accommodations.
3:30pm – 5pm: Arrive at Sun Peak retreat location. Settle into workspace.
5:30pm or 6pm – 8pm: Wine/Cheese meet + greet at Gallery MAR in Park City
Overview of encaustic painting and weekend schedule.
Saturday, June 3rd
8-9am: Optional Yoga w/ Shelly. Attire to be announced in May. Outdoor or inside practice depending on weather.
Breakfast and show + tell of Penny’s original encaustic paintings
9-9:45am - Penny demo various methods and tools
9:45-1pm – free paint with instruction as needed
12:45-1:45pm: Lunch. Or grab a bite and keep painting
1:45-4:30 or 5pm: More demos, individual guidance and free paint. Observe other’s techniques and describe process
5pm – Relax, snack, beverages, Fire-pit releasing/manifestations, communing
Dinner on your own or with group
Sunday, June 4th
8am or 9am : Morning circle sharing
Trail-walk. Gather items for embedding or take photos for color/composition inspiration
Penny demos embedding, carving, washes, adhering natural items and show painting examples.
10am-1pm: Free paint with guidance as desired. Light lunch break or healthy bag lunch to eat when desired
Demos on finishing paintings, scraping sides, wiring, protecting to travel.
2:30pm: Advice on finishing favorite pieces and group sharing.
3:00pm: Closing “ceremony” with goodbyes and parting gifts and special offers